The Companies Act, Ch. 81:01, stipulates that each company, on the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar, must file an Annual Return containing the prescribed particulars, with the Registrar within thirty (30) days of the anniversary of incorporation, continuance or amalgamation of the company.
To file an Annual Return you are now required to:
To file your return, you must complete the following steps:
Electronically file an Annual Return. To file your notice:
Fee: $40.00
Once the payment is processed, each director and secretary will receive confirmation, by email, that the return was successfully received. Your copy of the registered Annual Return will be included. To complete the filing:
If a person or a company fails to deliver an Annual Return within the stipulated time, the Registrar of Companies is entitled to collect from the person or company a penalty of three hundred TT dollars ($300.00) for every month, or part thereof, that the notice is “late” in being filed (section 516 of the Companies Act, as amended by section 16(e) of the Finance Act No. 2 of 2013).