Companies Registry

The Companies Registry (“the Registry”) is a division within the Registrar General’s Department ('RGD'). The Registry is under the direct administration of the Registrar General.

The Registrar General is the Registrar General of Business Names under the Registration of Business Names Act, Ch. 82:85, and the Registrar General of Newspapers pursuant to the Newspapers Act, Ch. 20:01. The Registrar General is also the Registrar of Companies for the purposes of the Companies Act, Ch. 81:01.

Accordingly, for the ease of convenience, there shall be reference to “the Registrar” throughout this website.

The Registrar is responsible for:

  • the Incorporation of companies, under the Companies Act, Chapter 81:01;
  • the Registration of Business names, under the Registration of Business Names Act, Chapter 82:85;
  • the Registration of Non-Profit organisations under the Non-Profit Organisations Act No. 7 of 2019; and
  • the Registration of Newspapers under the Newspapers Act, Chapter 20:01.

The Registry has a responsibility to its various clients and stakeholders to not only ensure that there is compliance with filing requirements under applicable legislation, but also to provide them with data and its other services in a timely and efficient manner.

These clients and stakeholders include, but are not limited to, commercial enterprises, industries, the legal, accounting and other professions, the judiciary, law enforcement, other Government agencies, Ministries and diplomatic missions.